Friday, May 28, 2010

We might as well be buying foreign oil,

We have a problem. We have an addiction. Why do we have some horrible foreign company here selling us our own resources? BP is a foreign company, sending our money overseas... Why do we allow ourselves to be raped like this? I don't understand how this came to be. On top of all this, why does Mississippi have to suffer for the poor choices of our neighboring states of Louisiana and Alabama? Hopefully the new American Power Act by John Kerry will allow Mississippi in the future to have a say in whether oil platforms can be put near our waters.

1 comment:

  1. Brazil is currently discussing about how the exploration of the new offshore oil findings will take place. There are people that oppose letting international oil companies in.
    This site says in its header: "The pre-salt belongs to the Brazilian people. For the State and Social control of the oil and gas reserves".
    Most of the new plataforms will be in the State of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Since the new findings place Brazil among the three largest producers in the world and our oil is a lot deeper than in the Gulf, about 16.000 feet deep, the chances of such a problem happening here scares me.
